When Can You File a Lawsuit over Sexual Intimidation?

Sexual intimidation is a form of sexual harassment that has an aggressor shaming a victim for the victim’s gender, sexual preference, or gender identification. In basic terms, the aggressor is a bully who is relentless in his desire to try and embarrass or shame the victim. This form of activity should not be tolerated in a work place, and victims should avoid aggressors in public areas. But are there times when sexual intimidation can be brought into a civil or even criminal court?

Unlawful Sexual Intimidation in the Workplace

The workplace should be a sanctuary where everyone is focused on doing the best job possible and helping the company to succeed. Unfortunately, many workplaces have people with their own agendas who often see the staff as a pool of potential victims for a variety of civil rights crimes. Sexual intimidation is such a crime, and you need to understand what it is if you want to be able to fight it properly.

Documenting Sexual Intimidation

One of the more effective ways to combat sexual harassment is to document instances and use that information to file an official complaint with your company’s human resources department. Sexual intimidation is a form of sexual harassment that sees the aggressor trying to shame or embarrass the victim for their gender, alternative lifestyle choices, or sexual preference. Filing a sexual harassment complaint about sexual intimidation can be more effective with documentation, but you need to be careful in how you collect your information.

Sexual Intimidation and the Law

Bullying is a subject that has gotten a lot of attention in recent years, and for good reason. Bullying comes in all forms, that includes acts that fall under the heading of sexual intimidation, which is classified as a form of sexual harassment under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Along with that classification comes guidelines and penalties applied to aggressors who attempt to use sexual intimidation in the workplace.

The Many Forms of Sexual Intimidation

Sexual harassment in the workplace is demeaning, destructive, and violates federal and state civil rights laws. It is important for people to know that there does not need to be physical contact with an aggressor for their to be an incident worth reporting. Sexual intimidation is a form of sexual harassment that has been getting more attention lately because of the gender issues society is tackling. In order to fight sexual intimidation, you first need to understand how to identify it.

Is Intimidation a form of Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment intimidation can come in a wide variety of forms, but it generally involves unwanted sexual attention without physical contact. Just because physical contact is not made does not make the situation less impacting on the victim. In some situations, sexual harassment does not involve the desire for sexual activity. Intimidation is the act of trying to shame or embarrass someone based on their gender or gender identity. In that context, does intimidation qualify as harassment?


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