Should I Ignore My Co-Worker’s Inappropriate Comments?

It seems as if every workplace has ‘that’ employee, the one that makes crude jokes or has a habit of saying things that catch you off-guard. In the modern-day workplace, this behavior is unacceptable. Though confronting the issue may be unpleasant, no one need any longer to be forced to tolerate this behavior. Looking the other way will do nothing more than ensure you have to continue to work in a toxic work environment. Here is what you should do instead.

Certain things are always unacceptable, such as comments that constitute as sexual harassment, gender discrimination, or religious discrimination are always off-limits in the workplace. Comments that are simply annoying are less likely to be an actual problem, but a simple conversation may be enough to address them.

Continual rude comments can also sometimes constitute harassment depending on the nature of the comments.  Though, unless they are sexual or racial in nature, they may not be actionable.

Speak with the Person

If you are comfortable, it is a good idea to talk over the issue with the offending co-worker. Many times people simply don’t understand the harm their words may be doing.

Turn to HR for Help

Sometimes a person may make you feel so uncomfortable or intimidated that the idea of talking to your co-worker is not an option. Then you should turn to your HR department whose very existence is to help employees in situations such as these. They can guide you through your employer’s specific grievance process and support you along the way. This also provides the Employer with notice and you with documentation such that a claim may be filed if the issue is not resolved properly and respectfully.

Seek Out Legal Advice

If you have talked to HR and filed a complaint and the inappropriate comments have not stopped, then it may be time to seek help outside of your company. This is especially true if you feel uncomfortable at work and it is affecting your performance. Harassment is not permitted to be allowed in the workplace, and our sexual harassment attorneys can help you receive the support you need combat this problem.

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