Unlawful Sexual Intimidation in the Workplace

The workplace should be a sanctuary where everyone is focused on doing the best job possible and helping the company to succeed. Unfortunately, many workplaces have people with their own agendas who often see the staff as a pool of potential victims for a variety of civil rights crimes. Sexual intimidation is such a crime, and you need to understand what it is if you want to be able to fight it properly.

The Basics Of Sexual Intimidation

Sexual intimidation is a form of sexual harassment that might not be exactly what you think it is. This form of sexual harassment occurs when an aggressor attempts to make their victim feel guilty, embarrassed, or otherwise uncomfortable because of the victim’s sexual preference, appearance, or gender choices. This is a very specific form of sexual harassment that can have devastating effects for the victim.

The Effects On A Victim

Generally, an aggressor engaged in sexual intimidation is only interested in affecting the victim in some way. While sexual intimidation can have emotional and psychological effects on the victim, it could also create other consequences that could be far-reaching.

If there are others in the workplace who want to enhance the sexual intimidation being played on a victim, then that could start to give the victim a problem with co-workers. The victim’s quality of work can suffer, and their career can be in jeopardy.

The Legal Ramifications

Sexual intimidation is a form of sexual harassment that was made unlawful by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. There are also many states who have civil laws in place that identify sexual intimidation as unlawful in and out of the workplace.

If you are a victim of sexual intimidation, then you have every right to file a sexual harassment report with your company’s human resources department. This sort of harassment should not be tolerated in the workplace. Since sexual intimidation violates civil law, you have resources you can use to put a stop to the situation.

Throughout the history of our law firm, our sexual harassment attorneys have acted as resources to victims of sexual intimidation. We are ready to be the legal team that gets you the information you need, and can act as your legal representation if that becomes necessary. We invite you to give us a call and talk to one of our experienced attorneys about your legal options and the different steps that can be taken to fight sexual intimidation.


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